Sourdough Bread

Country Sourdough

Country Sourdough

Crumbs Country Sourdough is adapted from Chad Robertson’s Tartine recipe. It has 20% wholemeal flour which gives it a sweeter, earthier flavour but the high percentage of white flour allows it to maintain its lightness and open crumb. It’s made from just three ingredients: flour, water and salt. This is the bread we use for most of the artisan sandwiches at Crumbs cafes.

Fitness Sourdough

Fitness Sourdough

Crumbs Fitness Sourdough is a derivative of our Country loaf. When we mix the Country sourdough we keep some dough aside and add copious amounts of seeds. Once the loaf is shaped we roll it in more seeds – you’ll be sprouting from the inside! Hence the name – Fitness. A slice of Fitness is asking to top it with smashed avocado, chilli flakes and finely chopped fresh coriander. Mmmm…. Imagine yourself in San Francisco! Or just pop into Crumbs for lunch!

Large White Sourdough

Large White Sourdough

We make our White Sourdough over 36 hours with just three ingredients: flour, water and salt. The starter we use was in the very first sourdough loaf we made 9 years ago. Crumbs White Sourdough has a distinctive chewy crust and soft and open crumb. It’s our best selling loaf. It pairs perfectly with any savoury food but is also delicious on its own or with salted butter.